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* Camping 

* Survival Activities

* Surfing

* Motorboat 

* Diving 

* Canoeing

* Trekking 

* Climbing

* Beach Games

* Lacrosse is one of the most important summer sports in Canada, so you will learn to play and there will be tournaments during the camp.

* Soccer and Baseball





Due to its enormous extension, the country has a varied topography and im-portant climatic differences, which provides a very diverse flora and fauna. That´s why, during the camp there will be many excursions dedicated to know the different species and learn more about the nature of the region


Don´t loose the opportunity and come to Galloo Camp to live this fantastic ex-periencer full of emotions and new people!


With us, summer never ends!

Welcome to Galloo Camp, the place where everything started. This Camp is located in Galloo Island, Canada. 


Our camps are based on three main ideas : Friends, Nature and Fun


And this is what you will find here in Galloo, an island located in southeastern Canada.

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